MOBILE LEGENDS GUIDELINES – mobilelegends guidelines
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MOBILE LEGENDS GUIDELINES – mobilelegends guidelines


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My basic knowledge guidelines:


Heptaseas Blade (Physical Attack)
– Ambush: The next Basic Attack will deal extra Physical Damage equal to 100% of the Physical Attack if no damage is taken or dealt within 5 seconds.
– Recommended to buy early in the game as it reduces the enemy’s physical defense.
– Deals damage to enemy heroes with Normal Defense (Mage & MM & Assassin)

Evil Roar (Physical Attack)
– Armor Buster: Basic Attacks will ignore 20% of Turret Defense.
– Deals damage to enemy heroes with High Defense (Fighter & Tank)

Wand of Genius (Magic Power)
– Dealing damage to enemy heroes will reduce their Magic Defense by 3 – 10 points (Scale according to level). This effect lasts for 2 seconds. Stack up to 3 times.
– Recommended to buy early in the game as it reduces the enemy’s physical defense.
– Deals damage to enemy heroes with Normal Defense (Mage & MM & Assassin)

Divine Glaive (Magic Power)
– When HP is higher than 70%, the unique bonus effect increases by 30%
– Deals damage to enemy heroes with High Defense (Fighter & Tank)

SEA HALBERD (Physical Attack)
– Basic attacks will reduce the enemy’s HP regen effect by 50% for 3 seconds.
– Best item for Marksman & Assassin to counter enemy heroes with high lifesteal (Alpha, Alucard, Leomord, Ruby, Uranus, Esmeralda, Harith, Thamuz, Estes, Angela, Rafaela, Faramis).

Necklace of Endurance (Magic Power)
– Damage to the target reduces the enemy’s HP regen effect by 50% for 3 seconds.
– The best item for mages to counter enemy heroes with high lifesteal (Alpha, Alucard, Leomord, Ruby, Uranus, Esmeralda, Harith, Thamuz, Estes, Angela, Rafaela, Faramis).

Ice domination
– +10% Crit Chance Reduction & Reduces movement speed by 5% and decreases attack speed by 30% for nearby enemy heroes.
– The best item to fight enemy heroes with Critical Damage. (item: Berserker’s Wrath)

– Immediately remove all DEBUFF. Gains immunity to Control Effects for 1.2s and increases Movement Speed ​​by 30%
– Removed all negative status effects from heroes immediately after release such as Stun & Slow counter enemy heroes (Guinevere, Selena, Nana, Aurora, Terizla, Chou, Saber, Hylos, Angela, Natalia, Tigreal, Lolita, Moskov)

– Effective lifesteal
– Oracle For Vampire Spells are ineffective

Shield of Athena no.1 Magic Resistance

Brute Force Chest Protector
– Best For Fighters (Increases Physical Attack & increases Attack Speed)

Antique Cuirass (coming of the devil)
– Best for Support & Tank (Normal attacks become Lesser Physical Attacks & magic power)

Aldous & Hayabusa’s Final Skill Counter
Natural Wind (Witch)
Winter Club (Sniper)

Maximum stack of Aldous 200 only

Top Magic Resistance (Magic Defense)
1st Athena Shield – (for all characters) (damage absorbing shield)
2nd Cursed Helmet – Magic Damage per second to nearby enemies (Hilda, Balmond, Gatotkaca & Khufra))
3rd Oracle – Increases Lifesteal & Heal (Hylos, Esmeralda & Estes)
4th Rose Gold Meteor – Shield absorbs damage – (Marksman & Assassin)

Top Physical Defense
First Antique Cuirass (Demon Advent) – (Support & Tank)
2nd Ice Domination (Akai, Lolita, Khufra & Hylos)
3rd Blade Armor – (Johnson, Balmond, Tigreal, Gatotkaca, Grock & Uranus)
4th Brute Force Breastplate – (Fighter) – (Chou, Ruby, Martis, Leomord, Thamuz, Lapu lapu, Terizla & Dyrroth)
5th Immortality – (for all characters) (Resurrect 2 seconds after death)
6th Thunder Belt – (aldous, Franco, Uranus & Khufra)
7th Winter Club – (Witch)


Wake up Akai
Wake up Aldous
Alice Build
Build Alpha
Making Alucard
Angela Build
Argus Build
Atlas Creation
Creation of Aurora
Body shape
Balmond Creation
Curse Development
Western Development
Baxia Manufacturing
Beatrix Construction
Wake up Belerick
Wake up Benedetta
Wake up Brody
Bruno Build
Building Carmilla
Wake up Cecilion
Chang’e Development
Wake up Chou
The Making of Claude
Building Clint
The Making of Cyclops
Building Diggie
Dyruss-Dyrroth Manufacture
Wake up Esmeralda
Building Estes
Eudora Development
Wake up Fanny
Building Faramis
Franco Build
Wake up Freya
Wake up Gatotkaca
Gloo Creation
Wake up Lord
Granger Development
Grock Making
The Making of Guinevere
Building Gusion
Hanabi Development
Making Hanzo
Harith Development
Harley Build
Making Hayabusa
Wake up Helcurt
Hilda Build
The Making of Hylos
Wake up Irithel
Jaw Head Making
Johnson Development
Building Kadita
The Making of Kagura
Wake up
Building Karina
Building Karrie
Khaled Build
Khufra Wake up
Kimmy Build
Development of Lancelot
Wake up Lapu-Lapu
Layla Build
The Making of Leomord
Lesley Build
Ling Building
Building Loli
Lunox Creation
The Making of Luo Yi
Lylia Build
Building Martis
Masha Build
Mathilda Build
Making of the Minotaur
Minsitthar Development
Building Miya
Moskov Construction
Nana Development
Wake up Natalya
The Making of Odette
The Making of Paquito
Building Pharsa
Creation of Phoveus
Wake up Popol and Kupa
Rafaela Build
Roger Build
Ruby Creation
Saber Creation
Building Selena
Wake up Silvanna
Wake up Sun
Terizla Build
Thamuz Development
Tigreal Development
Development of Uranus
Valley Development
Building Valir
Wake up Vexana
Wake up Wanwan
X.Borg Build
Wake up Yi.Sun-Shin
Building Yu Zhong
You Wake Up
Making of Zhask
Building Zilong


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