Your Complete Guide to Jury Assignment – Inside HMCTS
Have you ever wondered how you were chosen to sit on the jury and what happened once you were chosen? Listen to the latest episode of HMCTS, where we see in depth on the jury and selection process. In this episode, we will join Craig Robb, Deputy Director of Crimes (Direct Services) at HMCTS. After […]
The Complete, No-Code Beginner’s Guide
It looks like you’re here because you want to learn how to create a website, and maybe you find the task ahead a bit scary, overwhelming, and unsettling. That’s understandable. Making a website can seem like a big undertaking, especially if you’ve been told that you need special skills for it, like knowing how to […]
A 12-Step Guide for Beginners
So, you want to start a blog, huh? First of all, that’s a pretty dope idea. In my opinion, it’s one of the most fun and rewarding things you can do. Blogging allows you to dive deeply into topics that really interest you, improve as a writer, and learn a ton along the way. In […]
How to Create a Personal Website: A Detailed, Step-by-Step Guide
So, you are considering creating a personal website. Congratulations! In my opinion, that’s one of the smartest decisions you can make. Building a website for yourself allows you to claim your own little part of the Internet. A space you fully control and that nobody can take away from you. Where you make the rules, […]
The obligation to prevent sexual harassment | EHRC Guide
On 12 November 2024, the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) published new guidance on the positive obligation to prevent sexual harassment. Their guidance includes references to checklists, action plans, and monitoring records to assist employers in performing this task. What is the new positive task? As you may (and should!) know, the law was […]